Lenovo Everyday Notebook Series

Lenovo Everyday Notebook Series

Sempurnakan kegiatanmu dalam bekerja dan bermain dengan notebook Lenovo Everyday Series. Diciptakan dengan performa yang pas untuk menunjang kegiatanmu. Mengerjakan tugas, pekerjaan kantor, browsing internet, chatting, nonton video hingga mendengarkan musik, kini paling pas dilakukan dengan laptop keren yang bertenaga.

Computer Plus @021 8886 6233.

Lenovo Multimedia Series

Lenovo Multimedia Notebook Series

Manjakan mata dan telingamu dengan audio visual terbaik lewat display yang tajam, panel yang canggih, suara Dolby yang nyata dan diperkuat dengan prosesor serta kartu grafis terkini. Notebook Lenovo multimedia series akan membawamu ke pengalaman multimedia terbaik.
Computer Plus, @ 021 8886 6233.

Lenovo Gaming Series

Lenovo Gaming Series

Lenovo Gaming Series diciptakan untuk performa terdepan dan didesain untuk menginspirasi jiwa gamers tiap orang.

Lenovo Gaming Series diperkuat dengan prosesor Intel Core i7 terbaru dan berbagai pilihan kartu grafis.

Notebook Lenovo Gaming Series akan membuat pengalaman bermain game menjadi lebih seru. Hadapi lawan lawanmu sekarang ! 

Computer Plus @ 021 8886 6233

Peluang Usaha untuk produk Lampu LED – Solar Cell

Dengan melihat kondisi dan situasi Indonesia saat ini dimana sebagian besar masyarakat terutama dipelosok pelosok daerah sangat memerlukan dan membutuhkan penerangan listrik, namun sayangnya pemerintah masih belum dapat menjangkau dengan beberapa kendala. Demikian halnya wilayah yang sudah dialiri listrik pun tidak luput dari masalah dimana seringnya pemadaman listrik serta kenaikan tarif listrik sehingga selain mengganggu aktifitas sehari hari terutama malam hari juga beban biaya bulanan listrik yang semakin tidak murah.

Untuk mengatasi hal ini, kami menawarkan solusi sembari berhemat. Solusi ini dapat menjadi alternatif bagi masyarakat luas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penerangan ditempat tinggal dan lingkungannya. Selain investasi yang murah juga penggunaan dan perawatan yang mudah ditambah lagi sumber listriknya dari sinar matahari yang tidak pernah habis dan menyinari bumi Indonesia sepanjang waktu, sepanjang tahun.

Dengan memanfaatkan sinar matahari yang bersinar sepanjang tahun di wilayah Indonesia ini, produk ini akan menjadi solusi tepat dan ekonomis mengatasi kendala yang kami sebutkan diatas. Produk ini juga telah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari BPPT dan LIPI dengan garansi 12-bulan dengan nama produk LAKETS.

Dengan potensi kebutuhan yang sangat tinggi dan peluang pasar yang masih sangat terbuka luas maka kesempatan ini sangat sayang bila dilewatkan. Untuk itu kami memberikan kesempatan kepada siapapun untuk menjadi Reseller kami untuk memasarkan produk ini di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Perlu diketahui bahwa potensi keuntungan finansial dapat diperoleh secara maksimal dengan memasarkan produk ini di target konsumen yang tepat dimana kebutuhannya sangat tinggi.

Beberapa segmen market yang dapat digarap oleh Reseller antara lain :
1. Perumahan di daerah yang belum mendapatkan pasokan listrik PLN,
2. Perumahan di daerah yang sudah mendapatkan pasokan listrik PLN akan tetapi sering putus-listrik (mati-lampu)
3. Penerangan jalan kampung/gang atau kompleks perumahan
4. Daerah pariwisata yang jauh dari kota dan belum ada pasokan listrik PLN,
5. Daerah perkebunan dan pemancingan yang biasanya belum ada pasokan listrik PLN,
6. Pedagang kaki-lima (baik yang pakai gerobak maupun yang mangkal di pinggir jalan) tdk punya pasokan listrik PLN,
7. Kegiatan-kegiatan outdoor : camping, fishing (di pantai dan di perahu), emergency, dll

Perangkat dan Harga

Perangkat LED-Solar Cell package ini mencakup 1 set perangkat yang terdiri dari :

a. 1-unit solar-panel 15WP,
b. 3-unit lampu-LED yang sudah dilengkapi dengan battere teknologi tinggi Lithium 4400mAh
c. Remote-Control untuk lampu sebanyak 1-unit
d. 1-unit DC-Hub dan
e. 3-unit kabel DC.


Paket Lampu-LED dgn Tenaga-Surya 1


Harga Jual ke Konsumen :
Kami sarankan untuk Konsumen adalah dikisaran Rp. 4.600.000,- sampai dengan Rp. 5.600.000,-. Harga dapat disesuaikan mengikuti volume penjualan. Garansi produk 12 bulan.
Margin Reseller hingga 30 % per set.

Yang berminat menjadi Reseller, bisa menghubungi kami COMPUTER PLUS di (021) 8886 6233 dan (021) 9130 1267 atau 0813 1966 5570 (WA Only) atau email ke bekasimcc at gmail

SMART Meetings Video 3 See how Smartboards can be used in business by Portsmouth Comms 0800 849 7888


Portsmouth Comms 0800 849 7888 – An entertaining way to find out more about the benefits of using Smartboards in business. The SMART Board™ has a large, interactive screen on which you and your audience can share a presentation, explore a website or take a virtual trip. It allows you to create dynamic, engaging presentations and, within the education environment, helps you improve student motivation and performance by making enquiry-based learning a dynamic classroom experience. You simply touch the surface to select menus and icons.

Visit our Website here

Looking for Unlimited Everything Plan in the Cloud ?

If you are looking for unlimited everything plan in the cloud, here is the right place for you. Amazon the Titan will provide you unlimited storage capacity in the cloud just for $5 per month. It’s a little amount for everything you want to store inside. Read full article below.


King of the cloud, Amazon offers unlimited everything

March 26, 2015| By Gina Acosta

In its quest to offer its customers everything from one-hour delivery of toilet paper to instant TV streaming, Amazon nowwants to dominate the market in cloud storage with a dirt cheap new plan.

For $5 a month, customers can sign up for Amazon Cloud Drive and store as much digital content as they want.
The company with the unlimited plans, customers no longer need to worry about how much storage is needed to keep their content safeand secure: they can choose either the Unlimited Photos Plan or Unlimited Everything Plan and only pay one flat fee per year.

A free 3-month trial is available for customers to try either plan:

Unlimited Photos Plan (free 3-month trial,then $11.99 per year—equivalent of less than $1 per month): Store an infinite number of photos in Cloud Drive without worrying about taking up space on phones, cameras, or other devices. Customers can upload existing collections and store all future photos taken. This plan also includes 5 GB of additional storage for videos or other documents and files.

Unlimited Everything Plan (free 3-month trial, then $59.99 per year—equivalent of less than $5 per month): Store an infinite number of new and existing photos, videos, files, documents, movies, and music in Cloud Drive.

“Most people have a lifetime of birthdays, vacations, holidays, and everyday momentsstored across numerous devices. And, they don’t know how many gigabytes of storage they need to back all of them up,” said JoshPetersen, Director of Amazon Cloud Drive. “With the two new plans we are introducing today, customers don’t need to worry about storage space—they now have an affordable, secure solution to store unlimited amounts of photos, videos, movies, music, and files in one convenient place.”

Beginning today, customers can start experiencing unlimited cloud storage for free with a 3-month trial on either plan. Prime members and Fire device owners who already enjoy unlimited photo storage can choose to sign up for the Unlimited Everything Plan to store videos and files in addition to photos. Existing Cloud Drive customers can change their plans now by simply logging into their Cloud Drive accounts.

iStorage datAshur Secure USB Flash Drive

The iStorage datAshur® is the world’s most secure, easy to use and affordable USB flash drive, employing PIN code access with military grade AES 256-bit hardware encryption. The datAshur incorporates a rechargeable battery allowing the user to enter a 7-15 digit PIN onto the on-board keypad before connecting the drive to the USB port.

Energize Lessons with the SMART Response XE Interactive Response System

smart response article

In chemistry, the term activation energy is simply defined as the minimum energy required to start a chemical reaction. And when it comes to teaching any type of STEM-related subject, it may sometimes feel as though it takes a lot of energy to get a reaction from your students.

That’s where the SMART Response XE interactive response system comes in. As one of SMART’s five interactive response systems, SMART Response
XE enables you to assess learning quickly. Students can instantly respond to science or math questions – whether they’re about chemical reactions, gravitational force or the periodic table – and demonstrate their understanding of a concept.
And the SMART Response XE system is the only interactive response system that includes remotes (or clickers) with a full QWERTY keyboard, enabling students to include math equations and scientific functions in their answers.


Accelerate Learning
Whether its chemistry, physics or calculus, students are often writing, balancing and solving equations. With the SMART Response XE system, you have the freedom to ask true-or-false, multiple choice and text-based questions to get an indication of student understanding or to go deeper into your assessments by having students answer questions using math expressions and scientific functions.
The system also includes a flexible feature called intelligent grading, allowing you to choose a range of answers that you’ll accept as correct. With intelligent grading, you can decide if you’ll recognize an answer only in its exact order, in any order or in its mathematical equivalent.

For example, when allowing for equivalent representations of the same answer, both of these acceleration formulas would be graded as correct by the SMART Response XE system:

formula smart response


Get the right reaction
With SMART Response XE, you can quickly create math- or science-based questions using SMART Notebook collaborative learning software, and students can use their remotes to type in answers that contain equations, formulas or symbols.
When students finish answering, the remotes will instantly provide them with confidential feedback. The answers are also anonymously summarized as a pie chart or bar graph in SMART Notebook software, making it easy for you and your students to discuss, compare and learn from the answers.


Fast Fact
fast fact smart response
• Complete assessment system – Experience the convenience of the wireless, keyboard-style remotes, a receiver and powerful assessment software
• Instant insight – Conduct formative and summative assessment to instantly gain insight into your students’ understanding of a concept or lesson
• Designed for middle and secondary lessons – Use the SMART Response XE system for teaching middle and secondary lesson content, including advanced math and science content. The remotes allow students to input math equations and scientific functions.
• Flexible assessment – Ask different types of questions, including true or false, yes or no, multiple choice, textbased, math expressions and scientific functions. And the intelligent grading feature enables you to choose a range of acceptable answers for a  question, allowing for multiple representations of the correct answer.
• Easy to manage – Use the Teacher Tools feature to create class lists and view and manage all your student assessment data in one location. The built-in gradebook enables you to record test scores, track performance and create reports.
• Integrated with SMART Notebook software – Create dynamic questions and assessments by accessing SMART Response directly in SMART Notebook software. With one touch, you can deliver assessments on the SMART Board interactive whiteboard. You can also show assessment results on a SMART Notebook page and add comments in digital ink.